Master Next.js 14 - Full-Stack Complete Guide

Learn full-stack development with Next.js 14, build Portfolio & Finance Tracker app
4.7 (120 ratings)
1220 students
25 hours
208 videos
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What students say about the course?
Great course where the buildup is slow and new information is divided in small chunks and slowly builds up. Nice explanation on why we are using a particular element and discuss the pros and cons of it. The drawings and their explanations makes it much more digestible.

Venkatesh K.

This is truly a top quality course by a great developer. This course starts at a basic level and can be slow for intermediate / advanced developers. I still watch through the beginner videos though, just in case I can learn something I didn't know before and luckily I haven't been disappointed. Also, I have always been critical of Tailwind CSS (just use regular CSS!) BUT he was actually able to convince me on how awesome it is.

Robinson S.

I love Piotr's courses. Excellent knowledge and KTX.

Mark C.

What will you learn?
  • Transform into a Full-Stack Developer with Comprehensive Skills in Next.js 14
  • Learn the Most Up-to-Date App Router
  • Build Your Own Markdown-Based Blog & Portfolio Website
  • Master Image, Font, and Script Optimization Techniques
  • Develop a Full-Stack Personal Finance Tracker App
  • Learn Supabase, an Open-Source Firebase Alternative
  • Implement User Authentication and Authorization
  • Handle File Uploads Seamlessly
  • Build Projects with a Complete Backend and Database
  • Deploy Applications to Production on Vercel
  • Utilize MDX for Enhanced Content Management
  • Understand Static and Dynamic Rendering in Next.js
  • Optimize SEO for Your Next.js Applications
  • Secure Your Applications with Best Practices
  • Master Dynamic Routing and API Routes
  • Gain Hands-On Experience with Real-World Projects
  • And Much More...
Target student
  • Basic JavaScript required (free resource included)
  • Basic React knowledge required (explained in the course!)
  • No database knowledge or experience required!
What's included?
  • 30 days money back guarantee!
  • Access to Discord Community!
  • Q&A Section to get you unstuck!
What will you build?

Blog & Portfolio

Build a markdown based blog & porfolio website, host on Vercel

Personal Finance App

Pretty complex personal finance app with auth & authorization, file handling, using Supabase and hosted on Vercel