Master Nuxt 3 - Full-Stack Complete Guide

Learn full-stack development with Nuxt 3, build Portfolio & Finance Tracker app
4.6 (340 ratings)
2300 students
16 hours
108 videos
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What students say about the course?
This course is a standout, far surpassing my expectations. It is very well prepared, engaging and fun! I hope to see more courses from Piotr! Thanks!

Vladislav C.

I really enjoyed the course. The content was very well chosen and presented in a clear and precise manner. Well done Piotr!

Fouche du P.

Super clear, hands-on, and the instructor rocks. Real-world examples made learning a breeze. Feeling Nuxt-savvy now! 🚀

Waleed A.

What will you learn?
  • Transform into a Full-Stack Developer with Comprehensive Skills in Nuxt 3
  • Build Your Own Markdown-Based Blog & Portfolio Website
  • Develop a Full-Stack Personal Finance Tracker App
  • Learn Supabase, an Open-Source Firebase Alternative
  • Implement User Authentication and Authorization
  • Handle File Uploads Effortlessly
  • Build Projects with a Complete Backend and Database
  • Deploy Applications to Production on Vercel
  • Master Server-Side Rendering (SSR) with Nuxt 3
  • Optimize SEO for Your Nuxt Applications
  • Secure Your Applications with Best Practices
  • Gain Hands-On Experience with Real-World Projects
  • And Much More...
Target student
  • Basic JavaScript required (free resource included)
  • Basic Vue knowledge required (free resource included)
  • No database knowledge or experience required!
What's included?
  • 30 days money back guarantee!
  • Access to Discord Community!
  • Q&A Section to get you unstuck!
What will you build?

Blog & Portfolio

Build a markdown based blog & porfolio website, host on Vercel

Personal Finance App

Pretty complex personal finance app with auth & authorization, file handling, using Supabase and hosted on Vercel