Master PHP for Absolute Beginners

Learn PHP the Right Way for Absolute Beginners No Coding Skills Required
Hot and New!
18.5 hours
127 videos
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What will you learn?
  • Learn PHP syntax and basic constructs
  • Understand variables, data types, and operators
  • Control structures: conditionals and loops
  • Work with functions and arrays
  • Handle forms and user input
  • Manage sessions and cookies
  • Integrate PHP with databases using SQLite
  • Perform CRUD operations
  • Implement Object-Oriented Programming concepts
  • Apply security best practices
  • Build real-world web applications
Target student
  • No prior programming experience required
  • Aspiring web developers
  • Front-end developers wanting to learn back-end development
  • Students and career changers entering tech
  • Entrepreneurs and hobbyists building their own websites
What's included?
  • 30 days money back guarantee!
  • Access to Discord Community!
  • Q&A Section to get you unstuck!
What will you build?

PHP Stage Page

Create a simple PHP page to test your server setup and display configuration information.

Visit Counter

Develop a script that tracks and displays the number of times a user has visited the page.

Submit Your Email

Build a form to collect user email addresses and store them securely for future contact.

Product Filtering

Implement a dynamic product list with filtering options based on categories or attributes.

Contact Page

Create a dynamic contact page that handles user inquiries via a form and sends emails.

Blog with Authentication and Authorization System

Develop a full-featured blog with user registration, login, and role-based access control.