Enhance Your Next.js App with a Smooth Video Background

Learn how to add an elegant video background to your Next.js app and optimise it for performance. Plus, discover an excellent hosting solution for your web videos!

Why consider a video background?

At first glance, a video background might seem excessive for your Next.js app. However, when implemented correctly, it can significantly enhance your user interface. It's akin to adding a subtle touch of sophistication to your design. Sceptical? Let's explore how to achieve this without compromising your app's performance.

Implementing the video background

We'll create a sleek VideoBackground component that you can easily integrate into any page of your Next.js app. Here's the core implementation:

const VideoBackground = () => {
  return (
    <div className="absolute inset-0 w-full overflow-hidden -z-10 rounded-lg">
        className="object-cover w-full opacity-5"
        <source src="https://your-video-url.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
        Your browser does not support the video tag.
      <div className="absolute inset-0 bg-gradient-to-b from-white dark:from-black to-transparent opacity-10"></div>

export default VideoBackground;

Let's examine the key aspects:

  1. We use absolute positioning to ensure the video covers the entire container.
  2. The -z-10 class positions the video behind your content, preventing it from obscuring your UI.
  3. autoPlay, loop, and muted attributes ensure the video plays continuously without audio, avoiding user disruption.
  4. playsInline is crucial for mobile devices, particularly iOS, to prevent unwanted fullscreen behaviour.
  5. We set the opacity to 5% (opacity-5) for subtlety. The aim is to create ambiance, not distraction.
  6. The gradient overlay adds a smooth transition, enhancing visual integration.

Optimising for performance

Naturally, you might be concerned about the impact on page load time. Here are some effective optimisation strategies:

  1. Compress your video: Utilise modern, free tools like Shotcut or DaVinci Resolve (free version) for efficient video compression. These offer powerful features for reducing file size while maintaining quality.
  2. Choose the right format: MP4 with H.264 encoding offers broad browser compatibility.
  3. Keep it concise: Aim for a 10-15 second loop. Longer durations are unnecessary and potentially detrimental.
  4. Implement lazy loading: Leverage Next.js's built-in lazy loading to defer video loading until needed.

Optimal video hosting solution

For hosting your video efficiently and cost-effectively, consider DigitalOcean Spaces. It offers an excellent balance of performance and affordability, comparable to AWS S3 but often more budget-friendly.

For $5 per month, you receive:

  • 250 GB of storage (ample for numerous video loops)
  • 1 TB of outbound transfer (supporting a substantial number of views)
  • Automatic streaming optimisation (minimising buffering issues)

A key advantage of DigitalOcean Spaces is its use of a content delivery network (CDN) for video serving. This ensures rapid load times for your users globally, akin to having a dedicated video delivery system at a fraction of the cost.

To utilise this service, simply upload your video to your Space, set it to public, and use the provided URL in your VideoBackground component.


Incorporating a video background into your Next.js app can significantly enhance the user experience when done thoughtfully. It's not a necessity, but it can add a layer of sophistication to your design. With DigitalOcean Spaces, you can implement this feature efficiently and economically.

Remember, subtlety is key. The video should enhance the user experience without overpowering your content. When executed well, it creates a polished, professional feel that users appreciate, even if they don't consciously notice it.

I encourage you to experiment with adding motion to your Next.js app. Your users may well appreciate the enhanced visual experience.

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